Lab 6: Geologic History of North America For this lab, please begin by reading t


Important - Read this before proceeding

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Lab 6: Geologic History of North America

For this lab, please begin by reading the information in Exercise 7 and watching the presentation. Then, follow the instructions below to complete and submit the assignment. For this activity, you will need to either print the map on page 87 and color it, or color it in digitally.

For Part 2, you will need to use the US geologic ages map (File will attached on the Chat). or ( to find the ages of the rocks. Please be patient while the map downloads. It has a large file size. If it will not show up in Canvas, I recommend downloading it and opening it on your computer or other device instead.

For Part 3, you will need to use the Alabama geologic map ( provided by the state Geologic Survey (click on the map preview to view it up close), or you can use Macrostrat.