Thesis; Should hunting be banned? Stance; Hunting should not be banned.  Sources


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Thesis; Should hunting be banned?
Stance; Hunting should not be banned. 
Sources – to an external site. to an external site.
should be between 1500-2000 words,
approximately 4.5 pages (not including works cited)
__should contain a title,
introductory paragraph (two is acceptable if historical or explanatory
information is needed), and a full concluding paragraph
__thesis should explicitly express
what angle (your stance) you will be arguing about the topic
__should altogether contain AT
LEAST three regular body paragraphs (more is acceptable and recommended)
__should contain at least one
paragraph that includes a concession of one point to the opposition (this means
that you must show that there is another way of looking at the issue—the
opposition’s side) and a rebuttal of that concession (politely tearing down the
opposition’s point of view)
__should contain at least 4 (no more than 6) credible sources that are
used effectively throughout the paper
__CAN contain an
additional, ”fluffy” source (if approved by instructor)—this source will NOT be
counted as one of the 4 credible sources and should only be used as an
attention-getting device in the intro (or, perhaps, conclusion)
__should contain
proper citation for both paraphrases and direct quotations (You must use both
in this paper. 2 times each)
__should be in
proper MLA physical format
__should contain
a properly documented Works Cited page (that is numbered consecutively within
your paper and is arranged alphabetically)
__should be
turned in to Turnitin (via Canvas) by the due date and time
__links to all the sources you used in your