Market Research Project – Part 1 Video:


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Market Research Project – Part 1
Identify a product or service in the market that interests you. Conduct a comprehensive market research study on it. This could include identifying the target audience, understanding their needs and preferences, analyzing the competition, and identifying potential marketing strategies. 
Key Topics to consider below for this Part 1: 
Topic Selection: Choose a product or service that you’re interested in.
Preliminary Research: Conduct initial research on the chosen product/service. This could include understanding what it is, who its target audience is, and who the competitors are.
Research Plan: Develop a detailed plan on how you will conduct your market research. This should include the research methods you will use (surveys, interviews, etc.), the questions you will ask, and how you will analyze the data.
A minimum of ONE page, organized in APA format, with the various key points for Part 1
Proper citations for research and data that you have either paraphrased or quoted from. 
Works Cited section at the end of Part 1 with the various sources used.