please refer to uploads and follow the following instructions for discussion pos


Important - Read this before proceeding

These instructions are based on a task we've worked on previously. If you're looking for an answer to the same assignment, you'll need to submit an order on our writers' platform to receive a unique paper that you can confidently present as your own work. Read our "How It Works" page for more information.

please refer to uploads and follow the following instructions for discussion post :
Discussion Board and Close Reading Workshops
Posting on the Discussion Board is required; I will inform you of topics and
deadlines on Canvas. Think of these as opportunities to practice writing about
the literature we are reading. You’ll give your interpretations and practice close
reading skills — remember, literary analysis is not giving your opinion, telling us
what you found interesting or what you liked or disliked about a text, how you
related to a character, etc. Of course your personal response is always welcome
when we discuss literature, but it should only be offered as a short side note. The
main focus of your posts should be showing that you’re thinking critically
about the text, thinking through big ideas, asking vital questions, positing
possible answers, using various literary/theoretical lenses, and so on. You can also think of these posts as springboards for your more formal
assignments (see Explications and Essay below). You are allowed to carry over
material you’ve written for a discussion post/workshop, as long as you polish it
and make revisions based on your own developing thoughts and/or feedback
from me, a classmate, a tutor, etc