In alignment with WU grading rubric and fulfilling ALL inclusion criteria for Mi


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In alignment with WU grading rubric and fulfilling ALL inclusion criteria for Mind Map assignments one should receive 20/20 on all grading criteria to equal a grade of 100%.
A thoroughly completed MindMap Template with a selected topic was submitted. The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail the pathophysiology of the primary diagnosis in thestudent’s own words. The response accurately and thoroughly explains in detail the patient’s risk factors for this diagnosis.  Make note, “Key word”own words.  Therefore, no need to include a cited reference for this section of the assignment.  The description must be complete. In addition, WU provides 3 required risk factors that must be included: Genetic, Ethnic and Physical.  No need to include any additional risk factors.  Consider bullet point for each risk factor with supportive evidence from literature published most up to date within 6 years. 
The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail the patient’s signs and symptoms for this diagnosis.  This does not include to simply state symptoms however, describe why the symptoms occur in relationship to the chosen diagnosis.  The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail how this diagnosis might impact other body systems and their possible complications. This would require one to consider listing each body system and complete content with regards to possible complications.  It is not up to the reader to differentiate what content aligns with what body system.  If body systems do not apply simply state not applicable (N/A) following the stated body system.  This inclusion criteria will result in receiving 20/20. Consider bullet point format vs a narrative reply as with 1-2 page paper assignments. 
The response accurately and completely describes in detail the potential diagnoses that present in a similar way to the diagnosis provided.  The inclusion criteria does not require to simply state each differential however, describe in detail.  Of note, this must include more than 1 differential.  In so doing, one would expect to receive 20/20.  Consider bullet point format vs a narrative reply as with 1-2 paper assignments. 
The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail the diagnostic tests and labs they would order to rule out the differentials for this patient, and in confirming the primary diagnosis.  This would require providing supportive information as to why diagnostic test and labs are relevant to the diagnosis vs generalized content such as Glucose and A1c to measure glucose.  Comprehensive metabolic panel to measure electrolytes, kidney and liver function.  Most importantly,  include content how would each diagnostic study and/or labs relate to the chosen diagnosis.  In so doing expect to receive 20/20. Consider bullet point format vs a narrative format for assigned case scenario papers. 
The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail the treatment options they would consider. The response accurately and thoroughly describes potential referrals and medications.  Justify why you are making referrals to the appropriate resource. 
Continue to spell out all universal accepted abbreviations.
Do not write in first person ( I would…..) rather cite evidence from Standards of Care.
Great journal to consider for this course would be American Family Physician.
Demonstrate APA 7th edition guidelines as several students are incorporating APA 6th edition guidelines
A title page is not required