Assignment:  1. Choose an issue: The issue is workplace violence in the Emergenc


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1. Choose an issue: The issue is workplace violence in the Emergency room department.
2. Analysis Paper: There must be current references that include journals, websites, books, newspaper articles, white papers from Nursing Organizations, and other policies. Must have 5 credible sources. Wikipedia should NOT be used. 
3.   Paper
a.     APA
b.     Nursing
Issue Introduction
i.     Problem
1.     Define
the Issue
2.     Why
you chose this issue
3.     Why
is this issue a problem
4.     Is
this issue a symptom of a larger problem
5.     Who
is affected by the issue
c.     Context
of the Issue
i.     Background
of the policy issue
1.     Social,
economic, cultural ethical, legal and political factors related to the policy
issue and their causes
2.     Political
factors may be inside your workplace if you are doing a policy for your
3.     Any
economic issues with the problem
ii.     Include
d.     Issue
i.     Usually
in question format
1.     Example:
How should the government finance nursing education to ensure the necessary
supply of entry level and advanced practice nurses to meet the future health
care demand? (Nurse Education, Expansion, and Development Act of 2004 (2004).
2.     After
stating the issue name your policy
e.     Making
the Case (Crafting the Policy): Setting the Agenda
1.     State
Your Policy
2.      Goals and Objectives: What must be done and
a.     Include
what will happen if
i.     A do Nothing Option
ii.     Keep the status quo. Tell
them what would result if they do nothing
iii.     Incremental Change Option
Change in increments until goal is met
iv.     Major Change Option
Make a major change that immediately makes an impact.
ii.     Evidence
(Literature Search) (Must have literature to justify your policy and you should
also have a cons literature also.
iii.     Barriers
and facilitators to the proposal
iv.     Advantages
and disadvantages of the policy proposal
v.     Alternative
solutions (if your policy doesn’t make it in its present form)
vi.     Advocacy:
Who will be your champions (who will you solicit to assist you with development
and implementation)
1.     Coalition
vii.     Impact
1.     Cost
(Economics and Resources)
2.     Stakeholders
a.     Who
are the stakeholders
b.     Who
would be a supporter? An opponent?
c.     Do
you know the values, priorities of any of the stakeholders
Policy Recommendations: Using Leadership Skills
(pp 263)
1.     What
are the specific courses of action you will take related to the policy (You
might want to read Change Theory and Changing Organizations  chap 8)
a.     Big
i.     Define
target audience
ii.     Messaging
is critical: who will you communicate with for your policy proposal
iii.     Who
will you present this proposal to for implementation
2.     Implications
and Outcomes (What do you think will be the outcomes or implications)
3.     What
happens if the alternatives were chosen
f.      References
g.     Appendices
(if any)